Message From the Principal
Dear Holy Angels School Family,
As the 2015-2016 school year comes to a close, I would like to take a moment to thank you for sharing your children with us at Holy Angels School. The school year went by so fast but I noticed a lot of learning and fun in our school community. Our academic focus was on creating engaging lessons for students and acknowledging their success and improvements throughout the year. Spiritually and socially, we focused on our Learning Expectations: Be Like Jesus, Be the Best You Can Be and Be a Responsible Citizen.
The year’s end always brings with it a tremendous sense of accomplishment. So many things have been accomplished this year! The accreditation from WCEA/WASC was successful. The adaptation of Common Core Math and ELA. Students have been involved in an extraordinary number of activities. HAPAC and parents working hand and hand with the administration in all our fundraising events. Of course, we should not forget the tremendous amount of learning which has taken place during the year. Throughout all of these activities our students have demonstrated a great sense of service for others.
To our graduates – congratulations on your achievement. The Holy Angels School staff wish you all the best as you move on to your new school. We look forward to hearing from you, graduates, and I pray we prepared you well to face the next challenges of your high school life.
To all the students, enjoy your summer, get plenty of fresh air, exercise and remember to READ, READ, READ!!!!
On behalf of the staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy summer. My prayers are with you as you enjoy the summer months.
Sister Leonarda Montealto, O.P.
As the 2015-2016 school year comes to a close, I would like to take a moment to thank you for sharing your children with us at Holy Angels School. The school year went by so fast but I noticed a lot of learning and fun in our school community. Our academic focus was on creating engaging lessons for students and acknowledging their success and improvements throughout the year. Spiritually and socially, we focused on our Learning Expectations: Be Like Jesus, Be the Best You Can Be and Be a Responsible Citizen.
The year’s end always brings with it a tremendous sense of accomplishment. So many things have been accomplished this year! The accreditation from WCEA/WASC was successful. The adaptation of Common Core Math and ELA. Students have been involved in an extraordinary number of activities. HAPAC and parents working hand and hand with the administration in all our fundraising events. Of course, we should not forget the tremendous amount of learning which has taken place during the year. Throughout all of these activities our students have demonstrated a great sense of service for others.
To our graduates – congratulations on your achievement. The Holy Angels School staff wish you all the best as you move on to your new school. We look forward to hearing from you, graduates, and I pray we prepared you well to face the next challenges of your high school life.
To all the students, enjoy your summer, get plenty of fresh air, exercise and remember to READ, READ, READ!!!!
On behalf of the staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy summer. My prayers are with you as you enjoy the summer months.
Sister Leonarda Montealto, O.P.
The Class of 2016We the Class of 2016 would like to thank all the teachers, staff and friends for the amazing love and support we have received throughout all the years we have been here!
It’s been such a fun adventure but sadly, all good things must come to an end. - - Melanny Abrego Holy Angels made me reflect that this is a great school and taught me very important lessons for the next step, high school. - Edward Balingit I am excited to start this new chapter in my life, but I will miss all the memories with my second family at Holy Angels. - Ysabelle Barrera It has truly been a wonderful and great journey for me. - Tomizo Callejas It has been 9 years of an experience that I will never forget. - Addison Camacho Now onto the next part of my journey, for which Holy Angels has prepared me well. - Dominic Cosme It’s going to be pretty hard just trying to move on because it’s like moving on from my second family. Farewell, Holy Angels. - Nathaniel Cruz Goodbye Holy Angels. It’s been an amazing 6 years filled with laughter, learning, and lots of fun. - Marissa Domagas I'd say my favorite memory in Holy Angels was any time the class went on a trip. It seemed like a great bonding experience. - Jaime Elepaño I’m definitely ready for a change but I’ll miss everything and everyone at Holy Angels very much. - Mia Fuerte Over the past 9 years, I made many long-lasting friendships, and I have learned how to deal with conflicts and many other life skills that will help me in the future. - Lester Gutierrez I can’t wait till I go to high school. - Aidan Horgan I am excited to move on to high school and learn many new things but I am also sad that we will be leaving Holy Angels. - Tiffany Long I will miss you and good luck to the Class of 2016!!! - Jessica Lopez I am thankful for all my teachers and classmates for everything they have done to get me here. - Terrence Manansala I’m looking forward to the beginning of this new journey and I wish all of my classmates the best of luck as they start their new journey. Gabriella Martinez |
Third Grade Ends the Year in StyleClick the image to read
From the Sketch BookClick the image to read
Fourth GradeClick the image to read
I am excited to experience and learn new things in my next four years of high school, although I will miss Holy Angels and everyone here. - Angel Menchavez
Over the past years, I have grown both physically and mentally because of my experiences here at Holy Angels School. I am well prepared for high school and the opportunities and risks that will be put in front of me. - Andi Mercado
I appreciate the many sacrifices of the many people here who have helped me in these years at Holy Angels. To the many people, I give my thanks and good wishes to all. - Aaron Morales
I learned so much from being here and I will of course miss this school and everyone I have met along the way. Thank you for the experience HA, I’ll miss you. - Aizza-Rose Morales
I will miss this school and will always cherish the memories I had at this school. - Justin Nguyen
The community at Holy Angels has helped make me the person I am now, and I thank this school so much for that. I will miss you!! - Fhike Petalio
My 9 years here at Holy Angels were literally the best. The friends I have made since Kinder will always be with me. - Jacob Publico
I have had so many great memories with everyone here, no matter if they were here from the beginning or joined along the way. These people shaped me into the person I am today. I will never forget family. - Sofia Rivera
I have created many strong bonds with many different people and I will never forget them. Aside from that, I am more than excited for the road ahead! - Julianne Sabale
I’ve been at Holy Angels for 6 years and I’m glad that I went here. I’m more than excited to go to high school and I know that everyone will do great. - Shay Sauco
Although I am very excited for the future ahead of us, I will genuinely miss everyone in this class. I wish all of them the best of luck as we start the next chapter in our lives. - Bianca Yago
Over the past years, I have grown both physically and mentally because of my experiences here at Holy Angels School. I am well prepared for high school and the opportunities and risks that will be put in front of me. - Andi Mercado
I appreciate the many sacrifices of the many people here who have helped me in these years at Holy Angels. To the many people, I give my thanks and good wishes to all. - Aaron Morales
I learned so much from being here and I will of course miss this school and everyone I have met along the way. Thank you for the experience HA, I’ll miss you. - Aizza-Rose Morales
I will miss this school and will always cherish the memories I had at this school. - Justin Nguyen
The community at Holy Angels has helped make me the person I am now, and I thank this school so much for that. I will miss you!! - Fhike Petalio
My 9 years here at Holy Angels were literally the best. The friends I have made since Kinder will always be with me. - Jacob Publico
I have had so many great memories with everyone here, no matter if they were here from the beginning or joined along the way. These people shaped me into the person I am today. I will never forget family. - Sofia Rivera
I have created many strong bonds with many different people and I will never forget them. Aside from that, I am more than excited for the road ahead! - Julianne Sabale
I’ve been at Holy Angels for 6 years and I’m glad that I went here. I’m more than excited to go to high school and I know that everyone will do great. - Shay Sauco
Although I am very excited for the future ahead of us, I will genuinely miss everyone in this class. I wish all of them the best of luck as we start the next chapter in our lives. - Bianca Yago
Seventh Grade Poetry
Music To My Ears
By Abigail Devera They all gather around them listening to their beautiful music, listening to her beautiful voice listening to him play the guitar It is all music to their ears around them are beautiful birds they tweet and chirp along with them they clap and applaud them as they finish Stars By Cecilia Lopez She is awakened at night She is born in the sky She is pushing the moon to sing She brightens up the dark She loves the moon She was a shooting star Her smile is so bright She knew she would never go far She shines your light upon the earth Wind By Brandon Nieu It glides through the sky Skips upon the valleys And floats gently on the sea It slides upon the palms on the Earth and makes a beautiful sound It can’t be seen but can be heard |
Mirror Mirror
By Iea Jei Bansil A mirror on the wall smiles, mimicking everything that it sees. It sees joy, happiness, and tears. But afraid to tell no one, how each and everyone feels. A face reflects, but cannot feel. It is hurting, wanting, needing to be loved. Only the person who’s looking in can tell what truly is. The Growth of Time By James Williams Watching the trees and flowers grow during the spring, Water rushes down the mountainside, Humans so fragile and complex also grow with nature, From tiny villages to towns and cities From the stone age to the modern age I’ve watched them grow along with nature Since the beginning of time The Library By Ian Pantoja The library is where stories are told like a grandmother telling her grandchildren stories about her childhood. It gives me warmth through its kind words and also gives me happiness through her funny novels. She cradles me when I am around her with her peaceful atmosphere and expands my imagination and knowledge when I indulge myself in her stories. It is my colorful creature that gives me comfort and peace. She always satisfies me when I ask for service or when I ask her for a novel that will help me answer my questions. She never fails to give me wisdom and knowledge, but it will come with a price. It feeds me every day with nourishing food and never ceases to take me to another place when I hear her stories. She cradles me in her never-ending love and has built me a shelter of understanding and protection. |
First Grade
First grade visited Hidden Villa Farm in the Los Altos Hills this May. Here are some of their thoughts about the trip.
Sixth Grade: St. Mary's Cathedral
On May 5th, the school, Kindergarten through 8th grade was treated to a fabulous, action-packed day. Students, teachers, and chaperones boarded buses for our trip to St. Mary's Cathedral. Students were treated to a variety of activities throughout the day. Each person had his/her own favorite part of the day.
Second Grade Exploratorium Field Trip Experiences

Tyler Leonardo – I observed that a tornado could be a skinny tornado. I saw a ghost in my friend’s eyes. I saw beetles biting a rat into their skull. I made a course that leads into a cone.
Nina Peixoto – Our Exploratorium Field Trip had a lot of fun. We saw a real cow’s eye. We went inside a both and close our eyes and saw a ghost in our classmate’s eyes. We had a lot of screaming because it was scary.
Rebecca Mariscal – Exploratorium Field Trip was educational. I remembered the ghost in your eyes and the cow’s eyes. I learned how to take care of the beach.
Taylor Manalo La Verne – I saw some Sciences like wave, water and tornado. It was awesome experience. In the beginning there was a chair and there was something on the top. When you put it down. There was a spinning thing on the side, so you can change your expression.
Jenna Bulanadi – When we went to a black box, there we bit a straw and it made music. Then, I took a video of me in slow motion and I got scared. When we went to a box, it had a timer, and when it went to zero a glove popped out.
Benjamin Cu-Pyun - We went to Exploratorium in San Francisco, we got to do fun things. We saw the real eyes of the cow that was dissected by the man in front of us. It was like our eyes. We saw starfish, fish and tornado.
Jaiden Magat - I experienced to touch the eyeball of the cow. I experienced to be hypnotized and I felt dizzy.
Julian Rodriguez – We saw a ghost, a sun projector and the ocean.
Isaiah Romero – We saw a huge mirror and we looked like we were upside down. Then, we saw a castle made out of toothpicks.
Aliyah Pasion – When I felt the sand it felt like the real sand at the beach. When I saw the shadow it was not moving at all and when the light flash our shadow came out.
Aaron Lopez – I saw a fish. I went inside the black box with my classmates and we follow the instruction and when the light flashes I saw a ghost in my classmate’s eye. Then we went to see the tornado and we saw an ocean.
Brandon Trujillo – We saw a ghost in our friend’s eye. We also saw a cow’s eyeball and we went to a short movie.
Danika Lieberum – I learned that we looked at the eyeball of a cow. When I saw a ghost I screamed. I saw waves, magnets, dead rat, and bugs.
Ishaan Gupta- I saw satellite, a big dark tent and we went to a room of music.
Luisa Gregorio – I learned that if you have air and water it turned into a tornado. I saw lots of animals like fish. There were I-pads and one had an app to combined fish.
Fifth Grade NewsFarewell To Mrs. Reich The farewell party to Mrs. Reich was the saddest for the school. Mrs. Reich is the most loyal, helpful, organized, and loving person school secretary who cares and always helps us when we are hurt. She orders the lunches, knows every student’s name and calls our parents when there is a need. She cares for us than we care for her. During the farewell party, she was so happy and surprised because we did all the work just for her. We rendered Mrs. Reich songs and poems from Pre school to 8th grade and popsicles for all the students and teachers. Our class sang a song that Sr. Esther taught us. At the end of the performances, Mrs. Connie Gonzalez gave Mrs. Reich a big canvas with a huge tree with all the colorful finger printings of all the students as leaves. We are sure Mrs. Reich has the best 45 years at our Holy Angels School. Mrs. Reich we love you and will sure miss you. |
Kindergarten Fourth Quarter Highlights
As we come to the end of the year, I asked the children to think of their favorite thing to do in Kindergarten. Here are some of their responses.
I hope you enjoy. |
Field Trip to St. Mary’s Cathedral
At St. Mary’s Cathedral, we watch a play that was really well directed. The costumes of the dancers were very colorful and vibrant. The dancers were energetic, enthusiastic, and the whole setting was amazing. We have learned about all the wonderful parts Junipero Serra played in the making of our State, California. We also learned how he tried to defend the Indians against the soldiers who had harmed and physically abused them. All the many things we have learned was shocking and enriching.
After the play, we danced while waiting for our lunch. After lunch, we played different games like relay race, fishing, throwing fish, parachute, dancing, listening to the singers, flower arrangement and face painting. We also played a war act where we are to stay together and not let the soldiers get through us and get to our land. Before we left we had face painting. Everyone had some nice paintings on their hand and on their faces. Everybody looked great.
The field trip was very educational, fun,well-planned, and everything was so wonderful. We all had the greatest time of our life, and we will all never forget that day.
Spring Festival
This year’s Spring Festival was a success. There were many games, food , and excitement. Pre School through 8th grade performed wonderful dances. Our dances were about Disney movies such as Tarzan, Lilo and Stich, Hercules, and Mickey Mouse songs. Our class performed the Tarzan dance to the song Two Worlds. Out booth had delicious barbeque. Other grades also had different food and dessert. There was a silent auction with items such as photos, a toy box with handprints, and high school clothing. There was two bouncy houses. One for the younger kids and one was for the older kids. The games were throwing darts, megawires, knocking down bottles, and toss a ring on something. The most fun game to us was the dart game because we get to pop balloons and win prizes. The prizes were mini pokemon, a fish, candy, and more! When our dance was over, we went to different booths and also watched other dances. Most of the people in our class got fish and some got more than one. Our opinion on this Spring Festival is that it was really fun and that we enjoyed it a lot! The next time there is a performance or event like that, it would probably be awesome just like this one.
At St. Mary’s Cathedral, we watch a play that was really well directed. The costumes of the dancers were very colorful and vibrant. The dancers were energetic, enthusiastic, and the whole setting was amazing. We have learned about all the wonderful parts Junipero Serra played in the making of our State, California. We also learned how he tried to defend the Indians against the soldiers who had harmed and physically abused them. All the many things we have learned was shocking and enriching.
After the play, we danced while waiting for our lunch. After lunch, we played different games like relay race, fishing, throwing fish, parachute, dancing, listening to the singers, flower arrangement and face painting. We also played a war act where we are to stay together and not let the soldiers get through us and get to our land. Before we left we had face painting. Everyone had some nice paintings on their hand and on their faces. Everybody looked great.
The field trip was very educational, fun,well-planned, and everything was so wonderful. We all had the greatest time of our life, and we will all never forget that day.
Spring Festival
This year’s Spring Festival was a success. There were many games, food , and excitement. Pre School through 8th grade performed wonderful dances. Our dances were about Disney movies such as Tarzan, Lilo and Stich, Hercules, and Mickey Mouse songs. Our class performed the Tarzan dance to the song Two Worlds. Out booth had delicious barbeque. Other grades also had different food and dessert. There was a silent auction with items such as photos, a toy box with handprints, and high school clothing. There was two bouncy houses. One for the younger kids and one was for the older kids. The games were throwing darts, megawires, knocking down bottles, and toss a ring on something. The most fun game to us was the dart game because we get to pop balloons and win prizes. The prizes were mini pokemon, a fish, candy, and more! When our dance was over, we went to different booths and also watched other dances. Most of the people in our class got fish and some got more than one. Our opinion on this Spring Festival is that it was really fun and that we enjoyed it a lot! The next time there is a performance or event like that, it would probably be awesome just like this one.