Our Holy Angels School Fun Run was a blast! The students did an awesome job of running 40 laps and we are super proud of them. Thank you for the donations we have received. We have exceeded our goal of $40,000!
On October 24th, we had our celebration in the hall and gave out awards to the students and classes who reached their goal. The whole school had their ice cream party and 15 minutes of extra recess. Certificates and free dress passes were given out, as well as passes to have lunch with Sr. Leonarda for the 30 top students. The student who had the most donation, John Mercado, brought in over $2,800. He was awarded 27 free dress passes, a lunch with Sr. Leonarda, movie passes and many prizes from the Fun Run company. Congratulations, John! Thank you very much to everyone who came out to support the students and help. We truly appreciate it!
During the school mass on Monday, October 15th, Father Tim taught everyone how to be COOL. To be COOL we have to be:
C-caring for all of God’s creations, which include ourselves. O-obedient to God by being God’s representatives, to our parents at home and to our teachers in school O-open to God through prayers, by going to mass and by reading the Bible L-loving to one another as it is what Jesus wants us to do Being COOL is having Jesus in us. He should be driving our lives. Congratulations!
Kindergarten - Easton G Grade 1 - Franchescka M Grade 2 - Sofia E Grade 3 - Isabella F Grade 4 - Francesca M Grade 5 - Jenna B Grade 6 - Bobby G Grade 7 - Valeria G Grade 8 - Broudie B Log on to SchoolSpeak for more pictures. Ayman displayed compassion and unselfishness when he paid attention to a classmate’s needs. Even though Ayman was enjoying a game with friends, he noticed a classmate standing alone and asked a simple, yet very important question: “Would you like to play with us?” Being kind only takes seconds, but can make someone’s day better. Continue spreading Kindness, Ayman. Congratulations. September Kindness Award nominees
December 2024
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